Download the development pack

For the development pack we use Tortoise SVN as a windows client to get and merge the code – but any other interface to Subversion can be used.

Detailed information on how to use Subversion is not included here but you need to create an empty folder where you want to retrieve the code and if you are using Tortoise then you right click on that folder and select SVN Checkout and enter the link here below.

We recommend keeping the path to the initial folder as short as possible f.ex. C:\Dev\ because Visual Studio is still limited by a path of 255 characters. This link will give you access to all of the dev packs and if you click on the ... button you will be able to select which dev pack you want unless you would want to retrieve all of them. You should have received your credentials for our subversion server with your development training materials and you have read access to the dev packs. If we add some fixes or code changes you will be able to retrieve them from there and merge them into your code through Tortoise (or the client you are using)


Now have a look at what tools the development pack includes: Included in the development package