Application service

The application service has various functions that the POS calls at different times during operations.

This service was created to hold different functionalities that do not belong in any one service or are a standalone functionality.

Main functionality

Here below is a list of all functions in the Application service

Name Description
GenerateReceiptID This function checks if the transaction has a receipt ID or if the receipt ID on the transaction already exists and if needed generates the receipt ID for the transaction.
GetNextReceiptId This function creates the actual Receipt ID using the numbersequences. If the receipt ID generation needs to be customized it should be done here.

Usually a customization is only needed when the fiscalization creates the receipt IDs

ReceiptIDExists Returns true if the given receiptID exists in RBOTRANSACTIONTABLE
ReceiptSequenceProvider Returns the sequence provider for the receipt ID
ApplicationWindowCaption Returns the text to be displayed on the task bar icon if it returns an empty string a default LSPOS string is displayed
ApplicationWindowIcon Returns the icon to be displayed in the task bar if null is returned then the default LS Pos icon is displayed
PartnerObject Returns the partner object that has been created and can be attached to a transaction. The POS calls this property when it needs a new instance of the partner object.


Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\Core\Common_services


See also

Partner object