Currency service

Methods to retrieve currency information such as available foreign currencies and exchange rates and denominations of the currencies (bills and coins) if it has been configured.

Customizations could include for example to retrieve the exchange rate from a service, change currency to currency calculations or retrieve detailed information about specific currency type (bills/coins or other information) from an external service


Main functionality


Name Description
GetExchangeRateRatio Returns the ration between the exchange rates of two currency codes. If the exchange rate of either one of the codes are zero, then the result will be zero
ExchangeRate Returns the latest currency for a given currency code.
DetailedCurrencyInfo Gets both the exchange rate and the denominations for the currency
CurrencyToCurrencyNoRounding Converts a price in one currency to another using exchange rates
CurrencyToCurrency Converts a price in one currency to another using exchange rates


POS Operations

No specific operations in the POS call the Currency service but it is used in all payment operations, cash management operations, when displaying amounts and etc.


Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\POS\Services


See also

Currencies view

Loyalty service

Dialog service

Transaction service

EFT service

Customer service

Discount service

Customer order service