Price service

This service handles the lookup of all prices in the system. These can be standard prices (base price), sales prices and promotions.

With customization, custom price logic and the retrieval of price information from an external source can be added.


There are several configurations that can affect the behavior of the Price calculations. Please look at the Prices and Discounts chapter on the online help for further information.

Main functionality

LS One POS does not have an official scale certification. But LS One POS has gone through most of the process that is necessary to retain the scale certification including the functionality and configuration changes necessary. One of the requirements is that price calculations cannot be changed by anyone outside LS Retail (including partners).


Some of the methods in this service are as marked as a method that is a part of the "scale certification". If these functions are changed the check sums associated with the scale certification will change and if a scale is connected to the POS the POS will refuse to open itself. In the Logon dialog (under Settings) a list of all functions that are included in the scale certification can be viewed.

Name Description
GetPrice Retrieves the price for a specific item. This function checks the all the prices and promotions and decides what is the best price depending on currency, dates and other configurations.

Gets and sets the price for the last item and any other instances of the same item on the current sale

This function should normally not be used on it's own as this only retrieves the price. Use CalculatePriceTaxDiscount function in the Transaction service which uses this function and also retrieves discounts and tax information.


Goes through all the items on the sale and updates the price for all of them.

Because this recalculates all the prices for all the items, this function should only be used when absolutely necessary as it will slow down the POS. For example when a customer is added or removed from the transaction or any other operation/change which requires all the item prices to be recalculated. When adding one item to the sale use CalculatePriceTaxDiscount function in the Transaction service


POS Operations

Many operations in the POS indirectly call the Price service, not many call the operations directly. Here below is a list of all the operations and which functions they call

Name Description
Item search Calls function GetPrice if the user selects to display the price
Item sale Calls CalculatePriceTaxDiscount function in the Transaction service which calls SetPrice function

Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\POS\Services

See also

Transaction service