Sales order service

When LS One POS was the front end for LS Retail AX (now AX for Retail) the POS was able to retrieve and pay for sales orders created and maintained in the AX system. Sales order functionality does not exist in the Site Manager but the Sales order operation and functionality is still available in the LS One POS and can be used when integrating LS One to a 3rd party ERP system.

The sales order service is implemented in the LS One POS but the Site service functionality that retrieves the list of sales orders for a customer and specific order details from the 3rd party ERP system has not been implemented.


Please note that because the Site service functionality is not implemented this functionality is not tested during the release process of LS One and needs to be specifically tested when implemented by a partner as a customization


There are no configurations for this functionality in LS One

Main functionality


Name Description

Retrieves sales orders for the customer that is on the current transaction from the ERP system through the Site service (GetSalesOrderList). If orders are found a dialog is displayed to ask the user to select which order should be paid for and then more details about the selected order is retrieved through the Site service (GetSalesOrder).

A sales order line item is then created and added to the transaction.

SiteServiceIsNeeded When the POS concludes the transaction it checks if there is anything on the transaction that needs the Site service to be connected and alive. When implementing this functionality this function needs to return true if there are any Sales order items on the transaction otherwise it should return false.
PriceOverride Runs the price override operation on sales order line item.
ConcludeTransaction When concluding a transaction which contains sales order items, this is called to process the payment through Site Service (PaySalesOrder).

POS Operations

One operation directly calls the Sales Order service

Name Description
Sales order Calls function SalesOrders

Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\POS\Services