Scale service

The Scale service handles the communications between the POS and the scale. The implementation of the OPOS events are in this service.

LS One POS does not have an official scale certification. But LS One POS has gone through most of the process that is necessary to retain the scale certification including the functionality and configuration changes necessary. One of the requirements is that scale communications cannot be changed by anyone outside LS Retail (including partners).


Some of the methods in this service are as marked as a method that is a part of the "scale certification". If these functions are changed the check sums associated with the scale certification will change and if a scale is connected to the POS the POS will refuse to open itself. In the Logon dialog (under Settings) a list of all functions that are included in the scale certification can be viewed.


The Scale configurations are in the hardware profile.

Main functionality

All the communications for the scale goes through this service instead of the Peripherals service.

Name Description
Load When the POS is started this function is called to connect to the scale.
Unload When the POS is shutdown this function is called to disconnect the scale

POS Operations

Name Description
Item sale When an item is sold that is configured to be a scale item the scale is asked for the weight of the item

Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\POS\Services