Caching of settings and configurations in the POS

There are two types of caching used by the POS. The following sections will explain what kind of data can be found in them and when each cache is cleared.

Application lifetime cache

The application lifetime cache is cleared depending on the clear settings option set in the functionality profile attached to the store. The setting can be in the following states:

  • Never: The cache will never be cleared
  • On log out: The cache will be cleared when the user logs out of the POS
  • When logged out: When this option is selected, a number of minutes must also be set. The cache will be cleared after the user logs out of the POS and the number of minutes set have elapsed. If the user logs back into the POS before the time elapses, the cache will no longer be cleared.

The application lifetime cache contains the following data:

  • Current POS layout
  • Image for logo panel on POS layout
  • Current store currency information
  • Discount parameters
  • Store payment methods
  • Customers
  • Stores
  • Terminals
  • Units
  • User information
  • Form profiles
  • Hardware profiles
  • Tax codes
  • Dining table layouts

Transaction lifetime cache

The transaction lifetime cache is cleared whenever a new transaction is created. A new transaction is created on the first operation made in the POS after logging in or after completing a transaction.

The transaction lifetime cache contains the following data:

  • Exchange rates
  • Stores (information used for printing)
  • Customers
  • Currency
  • Prices
  • Discounts
  • Payments
  • Forms (used for printing)
  • Tax rates
  • Store payment methods
  • Any text provided by the Rounding service