Gift card service

This service handles all the functionality surrounding the gift cards in the POS. That includes issuing, updating, voiding and paying with gift cards, printing of gift cards and so on.


The gift card functionality needs to be activated in the site service profile. There are also other configurations that can be set in regards to maximum amount and how the gift cards should be created and/or activated on the POS.

Main functionality


Name Description
GiftCardChangeBack Creates a gift card as a change back payment
Conclude transaction

When the POS finishes a sale (after payment) various updates are done through the Site service including updating the gift card information if a payment was done with a gift card or if a gift card was issued.

See function UpdateGiftCardStatus in the Transaction service to see what information is being updated.

POS Operations

Many operations in the POS directly call the gift card service. Here below is a list of all the operations and which functions they call

Name Description
Change back (as a gift card) Calls function GiftCardChangeBack
Get gift card balance Calls function GetGiftCardBalance
Issue gift certificate Calls function IssueGiftCard
Void item Calls function VoidGiftCard
Void payment Calls function VoidGiftCardPayment
Void transaction Calls function VoidGiftCard
Pay gift card Calls funcion AuthorizeGiftCardPayment

Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\POS\Services

See also

Site service profile (Gift card tab)

Transaction service