Inventory service

The inventory service is used for most of the inventory functionality both in the Site Manager and in the POS. What that means that any functionality that retrieves, saved, changes inventory information goes through the inventory service. In most cases the inventory service redirects the request to the Site service but in some cases there is some processing done within the functions.

Main functionality

The service is broken into various partial classes that each have functions for one specific function within the inventory functionality. The service is divided into these functions:

When customizing the inventory the recommendation is to override the Site service rather than the Inventory service but if the Site service should be bypassed altogether in a customization for the inventory then the Inventory service would be where that type of customization should be done.

Goods receiving

All inventory service functions related to goods receiving.

Name Description
CountGoodsReceivingDocumentsSearchResults Returns the total number of goods receiving documents that are found using the search criteria
CreateGoodsReceivingDocumentLinesFromPurchaseOrder Creates goods receiving document lines based on a purchase order with the given ID
CreatePostedGoodsReceivingDocumentLinesFromPurchaseOrder Creates posted goods receiving document lines for all the lines in the purchase order with the given ID
DeleteGoodsReceivingDocument Deletes a specific goods receiving document if it doesn't have any posted lines
DeleteGoodsReceivingDocumentLine Deletes the supplied goods receiving document line
DeleteGoodsReceivingLinesForAPurchaseOrderLine Deletes goods receiving document lines for a specific purchase order line
GetGoodsReceivingDocumentLine Gets the goods receiving document line with the given ID
GetGoodsReceivingDocumentLinesForAPurchaseOrderLine Returns all goods receiving document lines for a specific purchase order line
GetGoodsReceivingDocument Gets the goods receiving document with the given ID
GetGoodsReceivingDocumentLines Gets existing lines for a specific goods receiving document
GetGoodsReceivingDocuments Searches for all goods receiving documents that match the search criteria as it has been set
GetPurchaseOrdersWithNoGoodsReceivingDocumentForStore Returns the purchase orders with no goods receiving document for the given store ID
GetReceivedTotals Retrieves the sum of all received items per goods receiving document
GetTotalNumberOfGRDocuments Returns the total number of goods receiving documents that are in the database
GoodReceivingDocumentLineIsPosted Returns true if the goods receiving document line with the given ID is posted; otherwise returns false
GoodsReceivingDocumentAllLinesPosted Returns true if all the goods receiving document lines are posted; otherwise returns false
GoodsReceivingDocumentFullyReceived Determines if the supplied document is fully received
GoodsReceivingDocumentExists Checks if a goods receiving document exists for the purchase order with the given ID
GoodsReceivingDocumentHasLines Returns true if the goods receiving document with the given ID has lines; otherwise returns false
PostGoodsReceivingLine Posts the goods receiving document line
SaveGoodsReceivingDocument Saves a goods receiving document header
SaveGoodsReceivingDocumentLine Saves a goods receiving document line
SearchGoodsReceivingDocumentLines Gets a list of document lines matching the search criteria
UpdateGoodsReceivingDocumentStatus Updates the status of a given goods receiving document if necessary. Returns whether the document was updated or not

Inventory adjustments

All inventory service functions related to inventory adjustments.

Name Description
AdvancedSearch Returns a list of paginated inventory journals based on the given search criteria
CloseInventoryAdjustment Closes the inventory adjustment with the given ID
DeleteInventoryAdjustmentReason Deletes the inventory adjustment reason
DeleteInventoryJournal Deletes an inventory journal only if it's empty (has no lines)
GenerateInventoryAdjustmentID Generates a new inventory adjustment ID
GetInventoryAdjustment Gets the inventory adjustment by the given ID
GetInventoryAdjustmentJournalList Gets the inventory adjustments for the given search criteria
GetJournalTransactionList Gets all journal transaction lines for the given journal ID
GetJournalTransactionReasonById Gets the journal transaction reason for the given ID
GetMovedToInventoryLines Returns the already moved-to-inventory items for a given parked journal line
GetReasonCodes Retrieves system reason codes used for customer orders, transfers and service items. If no system reason codes exist then they are created and saved to the database. This function creates the reason codes with a description in English. Once the Site Manager or POS start using these reason codes the descriptions will be updated to be in the language of the system using UpdateReasonCodes function.
InventoryAdjustmentReasonIsInUse Returns true if the inventory adjustment reason is is use; otherwise returns false
MoveInventoryAdjustment Updates the inventory adjustment to be for a different store. Used in Customer order functionality when a customer order is being fulfilled at another store than originally it was configured to be fulfilled at.
ReserveStockItem Reserves stock for the item with the given ID
ReserveStockTransaction Creates an inventory adjustment with the type Reservation. Used in Customer order functionality when a customer order is created and the stock for the order should be reserved
SaveInventoryAdjustment Saves the inventory adjustment
SaveInventoryAdjustmentReason Saves the inventory adjustment reason
SaveInventoryAdjustmentReasonReturnID Saves the inventory adjustment reason and returns its ID
UpdateReasonCodes Updates the system reason codes if they have a different description than the default system one (which is in English). The POS usually uses these reason codes and will update the descriptions to be in the language of the store so that the user can see the description in their language.
UpdateStatus Updates the journal line status (Open, Posted or Partially Posted) and, if needed, the line's master id

Purchase orders

All inventory service functions related to purchase orders.

Name Description
ChangeDiscountsForPurchaseOrderLines Goes through all the purchase order lines and updates either the discount amount and discount percentage on each line
CopyLinesAndBetweenMiscChargesPurchaseOrders Copies all item lines and miscellaneous charges from a purchase order to another
DeletePurchaseOrder Deletes the purchase order with its associated goods receiving document, based on the purchase order line ID; the deletion is performed only if the goods receiving document is not posted
DeletePurchaseOrderLine Deletes the purchase order line with the given ID
DeletePurchaseOrderMiscCharges Deletes a specific miscellaneous charge on a purchase order
GeneratePurchaseOrderID Generates a new purchase order ID
GeneratePurchaseOrderLineID Generates a new purchase order line ID
GetInventoryTemplateForPOWorksheet Gets the inventory template for the given purchase order worksheet ID
GetInventoryUnitForPurchaseOrderWorksheet Gets the inventory unit name for the given item ID
GetMischChargesForPurchaseOrder Gets purchase order miscellaneous charges for the given purchase order ID
GetMischChargesForPurchaseOrderWithSorting Gets the miscellaneous charges for the purchase order with the given ID.
GetOrderedTotals Retrieves the sum of all ordered items per purchase order that is attached to a goods receiving document
GetPurchaseOrder Gets the purchase order with the given ID
GetPurchaseOrderID Gets the purchase order ID for the giving goods receiving document ID
GetPurchaseOrderLine Gets the purchase order line for the giving purchase order line ID
GetPurchaseOrderLineNumberFromItemInfo Gets the line number of a retail item within a given purchase order
GetPurchaseOrderLines Gets the purchase order lines based on the search criteria
GetPurchaseOrderLinesWithReportFormatting Gets the purchase order line with report formatting for the given purchase order ID
GetPurchaseOrderMiscCharge Gets information about a specific miscellaneous charge
GetPurchaseOrdersForStoreAndVendor Gets the purchase orders for the given search criteria
GetPurchaseOrderWithReportFormatting Gets the purchase order with report formatting for the given ID
GetPurchaseWorksheetLineData Gets the lines for the given purchase order worksheet ID
GetPurchaseWorksheetLineDataPaged Gets a paginated list of lines for the given purchase order worksheet ID
GetTotalNumberOfProductOrders Return the total number of purchase orders that are in the database
GetUnitsForPurchaserOrderItemVariant Gets the relevant units for the purchase order and item
PostAndReceiveAPurchaseOrder Creates and posts a goods receiving document for all lines within the purchase order
PurchaseOrderAdvancedSearch Returns a paginated list of purchase orders based on the search criteria
PurchaseOrderHasGoodsReceivingDocument Returns true if the purchase order with the given ID has a goods receiving document; otherwise returns false
PurchaseOrderHasPurchaseOrderLines Returns true if the purchase order has any items lines
PurchaseOrderLineHasPostedGoodsReceivingDocumentLine Returns true if the purchase order line with the given ID has posted goods receiving document line; otherwise returns false
SaveAndReturnPurchaseOrder Saves a given purchase order into the database and returns it
SavePurchaseOrder Saves a given purchase order into the database
SavePurchaseOrderLine Saves a specific purchase order line
SavePurchaseOrderMiscCharge Saves a purchase order miscellaneous charge; if no line number is on the object a new ID will be created
SearchItemsInPurchaseOrder Returns a paginated list of items within a given purchase order

Reason codes

All inventory service functions related to reason codes.

Name Description
DeleteReasonCode Deletes the reason code with the given ID
GetOpenReasonCodesList Returns a list with all reason codes that can be used. This is based on the begin and end date of the reason code configurations
GetReasonById Gets the reason code with the given ID
GetReasonCodesForReturn Gets the list of reason codes used for returns
GetReasonCodesList Returns a list with all available reason codes; one overload support basic filtering
ReasonCodeIsInUse Returns true if a reason code is in use; otherwise returns false
SaveReasonCode Saves a reason code
SearchReasonList Returns a list of paginated reason codes based on a search criteria


All inventory service functions related to replenishment.

Name Description
DeleteItemReplenishmentSetting Deletes the item replenishment setting with the given ID
DeleteItemReplenishmentSettingByItemIDAndStoreID Deletes the item replenishment setting by the given pair of item ID and store ID
GetItemReplenishmentSetting Gets the item replenishment setting with the given ID
GetItemReplenishmentSettingForItem Gets the item replenishment setting with the given item ID
GetItemReplenishmentSettingID Gets the item replenishment setting ID by the given pair of item ID and store ID
GetItemReplenishmentSettingItemSettingForStore Gets the item replenishment setting for the given pair of item ID and store ID
GetItemReplenishmentSettingListForStores Gets a list of item replenishment settings for all stores by the given item ID
ItemWithSameParametersExistsInTransferOrder Check whether an item with the same parameters (eg: same unit) exists in the transfer order containing the given transfer order line
SaveItemReplenishmentSetting Saves the given item replenishment setting

Stock counting

All inventory service functions related to stock counting.

Name Description
BeginAsyncPostAllStockCountingLines Posts all lines from a stock counting journal asynchronously
CompressAllStockCountingLines Compresses all lines on a stock counting journal, that have the same item and unit
CreateStockCountingFromExistingAdjustment Creates a new stock counting journal and copy all lines from an existing journal
CreateStockCountingFromFilter Creates a new stock counting journal based on a filter
CreateStockCountingFromTemplate Creates a new stock counting journal based on a given template
CreateStockCountingJournalFromOmniJournal Creates a new stock counting journal based on a LS Commerce journal
DeleteMultipleJournalTransactions Deletes multiple inventory journal transaction lines
DeleteStockCounting Deletes the stock counting with the given ID
EndAsyncPostAllStockCountingLines Unwraps the result returned by BeginAsyncPostAllStockCountingLines(), which is called asynchronously
GetAdjustmentStatus Gets the adjustment status for the journal with the given ID
GetInventoryJournalTransaction Gets the inventory journal line with the given ID
GetInventoryOnHand Gets inventory on hand for the specified item ID and store ID
GetJournalListAdvancedSearch Returns a paginated list of journals based on a given filter
GetOmniInventoryAdjustmentByTemplate Gets LS Commerce inventory adjustment by template ID
GetStockCounting Gets the stock counting with the given ID
ImportStockCountingFromExcel Imports stock counting from an Excel file
InventoryAdjustmentExists Returns true if the inventory adjustment with the provided ID exists; otherwise returns false
PostAllStockCountingLines Posts all lines of a stock counting journal
PostInventoryAdjustmentLine Posts inventory adjustment line
PostMultipleStockCountingLines Posts multiple stock counting lines
SaveJournalTransaction Saves the given inventory journal transaction
SearchJournalTransactions Returns a paginated list of journal lines based on a given filter
SetAdjustmentStatus Sets the adjustment status for the journal with the given ID


All inventory service functions related to inventory template.

Name Description
AreaInUse Returns true if an inventory area is in use; otherwise returns false
DeleteInventoryArea Deletes the inventory area with the given ID
DeleteInventoryAreaLine Deletes the inventory area line with the given ID
DeleteInventoryTemplate Deletes the inventory template with the given ID
DeleteInventoryTemplateSection Deletes all inventory template sections for a given template ID
DeleteInventoryTemplateSectionSelection Deletes all filters for the given template ID and a section ID
DeleteInventoryTemplateStoreConnection Inventory templates can be valid at all stores or specific stores referred to as a stored connection. This function deletes a connection between a specific given inventory template and a specific store
DeleteInventoryTemplateTemplateConnection Deletes all store connections for the given inventory template
GetInventoryArea Gets the inventory area with the given ID
GetInventoryAreaLine Gets the inventory area line with the given master ID
GetInventoryAreaLinesByArea Get a list with the lines of the given inventory area
GetInventoryAreaLinesListItems Gets a list with all area lines
GetInventoryAreasList Gets a list with all available inventory areas
GetInventoryTemplate Gets the inventory template with the given ID
GetInventoryTemplateFirstStoreName Gets the first store name for the given template ID
GetInventoryTemplateItems Gets a filtered list of inventory template items
GetInventoryTemplateList Gets a list with all inventory templates
GetInventoryTemplateListForStore Gets a list with all inventory templates for a given store, matching a given filter
GetInventoryTemplateListItem Retrieves information about the inventory template with the given template ID for display in a list view
GetInventoryTemplateSectionList Gets the inventory template section list for a given template ID
GetInventoryTemplateSectionSelectionList Retrieves information about the filter that is saved with the given template ID and section ID.
GetInventoryTemplateSectionSelectionListForFilter Gets a list of inventory template section selection identifiers filtered by a given template ID and a section ID
GetInventoryTemplateStoreConnectionList Gets a list of the stores the inventory template is valid for
GetStockCountingTemplates Gets a list with all stock counting templates
InsertInventoryTemplateSection Adds a filter section to a filter saved with the inventory template
InsertInventoryTemplateSectionSelection Adds the value selected in a filter section that is saved with the inventory template
SaveInventoryArea Saves the given inventory area
SaveInventoryAreaLine Saves the given inventory area line
SaveInventoryTemplate Saves the given inventory template
SaveInventoryTemplateStoreConnection Inventory templates can be valid at all stores or specific stores referred to as a stored connection. This function saves a connection between a specific store to a specific inventory template

Transfer orders

All inventory service functions related to transfer orders.

Name Description
AutoSetQuantityOnTransferOrder Automatically set the quantity on the transfer order lines
CopyTransferOrder Copies or clones an existing transfer order
CreateTransferOrderFromFilter Creates a new transfer order based on a filter
CreateTransferOrderFromRequest Creates a transfer order based on a given transfer request
CreateTransferOrdersFromRequests Creates transfer orders based on given transfer requests
DeleteInventoryTransferOrder Deletes the transfer order with the given ID
DeleteInventoryTransferOrderLine Deletes the transfer order line with the given ID
DeleteInventoryTransferOrderLines Deletes the given transfer order lines
DeleteInventoryTransferOrders Deletes a given list of transfer orders
GetInventoryInTransit Gets the list of transfer orders that are in transit
GetInventoryTransferOrder Returns information about a specific inventory transfer order
GetInventoryTransferOrdersAndLines Gets a list of transfer orders together with their lines, based on a given list of identifiers of documents to fetch
GetOrderLinesForInventoryTransfer Returns order lines for a specific inventory transfer order
GetOrderLinesForInventoryTransferAdvanced Get a list of lines for a given transfer order ID, matching a given filter
GetTotalUnreceivedItemForTransferOrders Gets a list with quantity for each item that is not [fully] received in the given list of transfer orders
ReceiveTransferOrder Receives the transfer order with the given ID
ReceiveTransferOrderQuantityIsCorrect Checks whether the quantities are correct in a given list of transfer orders by comparing the sent and the received quantities
ReceiveTransferOrders Receives the given transfer orders
SaveInventoryTransferOrder Saves the given transfer order
SaveInventoryTransferOrderLine Saves the given transfer order line
SaveInventoryTransferOrderLineIfChanged Detects whether a transfer order line has changed and if it did, updates it in the database
SearchInventoryTransferOrders Returns a list of transfer orders matching the given filter
SearchInventoryTransferOrdersAdvanced Returns a list of transfer orders matching the given filter
SearchInventoryTransferOrdersExtended Returns a list of transfer orders matching the given filter
SendTransferOrder Sends the transfer order with the given ID
SendTransferOrders Sends the transfer orders with the given identifiers
TransferOrderCreatedFromTransferRequest Updates a transfer request as being created from a given transfer order

Transfer requests

All inventory service functions related to transfer requests.

Name Description
CopyTransferRequest Copies or clones an existing transfer request
CreateTransferRequestFromFilter Creates a new transfer request based on a filter
CreateTransferRequestFromOrder Creates a transfer request based on a transfer order
DeleteInventoryTransferRequest Deletes a transfer request with the given ID
DeleteInventoryTransferRequestLine Deletes a transfer request line with a given ID
DeleteInventoryTransferRequestLines Deletes a given list of transfer request lines
DeleteInventoryTransferRequests Deletes a given list of transfer requests
GetInventoryTransferRequest Gets the transfer request with the given ID
GetInventoryTransferRequestsAndLines Gets a list of transfer requests together with their lines, based on a given list of identifiers of documents to fetch
GetRequestLinesForInventoryTransferAdvanced Gets a list of lines for a given transfer request ID, matching a given filter
ItemWithSameParametersExistsInTransferRequest Checks whether an item with the same parameters (eg: same unit) exists in the transfer request containing the given transfer request line
SaveInventoryTransferRequest Saves the given inventory request
SaveInventoryTransferRequestLine Saves the given transfer request line
SaveInventoryTransferRequestLineIfChanged Detects whether a transfer request line has changed and if it did, updates it in the database
SearchInventoryTransferRequests Returns a list of transfer request matching a given filter
SearchInventoryTransferRequestsAdvanced Returns a list of transfer request matching a given filter
SearchInventoryTransferRequestsExtended Returns a list of transfer request matching a given filter
SendInventoryTransferRequest Sends a transfer request with the given ID
SendInventoryTransferRequests Sends a list of given transfer requests


All inventory service functions related to vendors.

Name Description
AdvancedSearch Searches the vendor item for the given criteria
DeleteByRetailItemID Deletes a vendor item that matches the given filter
DeleteVendorContact Deletes a list of vendor contacts
DeleteVendorItem Deletes the vendor item with the given ID
DeleteVendorItemByRetailItemID Deletes all vendor items for the given vendor ID
DeleteVendorItemLinks Deletes all vendors - item links and removes vendor as default vendor from items
DeleteVendorItems Deletes a list of vendor items
DeleteVendors Deletes a list of vendors; when deleting, a deleted flag is set to true on the vendor
DeleteVendorsCanExecute Deletes a list of vendors; when deleting, a deleted flag is set to true on the vendor
GetDefaultPurchasePrice Retrieves the default purchase price for a vendor item
GetDistinctUnitsForVendorItem Returns a list of all units that are available for the given item
GetDistinctRetailItemsForVendor Gets a list of DataEntities that contains distinct list of retail item ID's and Item Description for a given vendor ID
GetFirstVendorItem Each item can be added multiple times to a vendor with different unit ID's; this method returns the first one found and it should only be used when the unit ID is not available
GetItemsForVendor Returns a list of items that has been assigned to a specific vendor
GetLatestPurchasePrice Retrieves the latest purchase price for a vendor item
GetPagedItemsForVendor Returns a paginated list of items that has been assigned to a specific vendor
GetVendor Gets information about a specific vendor
GetVendorContact Returns the vendor contact with the given ID
GetVendorContactList Returns the list of vendor contacts for the given vendor ID
GetVendorItem Gets the vendor item with the given internal ID or based on the vendor ID, unit ID and item ID depending on which overload is called
GetVendorList Gets a list of all vendors
GetVendors Returns a list of vendors that fulfill the conditions in the search criteria parameter
GetVendorsForItem Gets a list of vendors for the given retail item
GetVendorsList Returns a list of vendors that have not been deleted
GetVendorsSalesTaxGroupID Returns the sales tax group for the given vendor
RestoreVendors Undeletes a list of vendors; the deleted flag is set to false on the vendors
SaveAndReturnVendor Saves and returns the vendor information
SaveVendor Saves the vendor information
SaveVendorContact Saves or updates a vendor contact; if the this is the only contact on the vendor it is set as the default contact
SaveVendorItem Saves a vendor item
SearchRetailItemsForVendor Returns a list of retail items for the given vendor ID
SetDefaultContactOnVendor Sets the default contact on the vendor
VendorExists Checks if a specific ID already exists for a vendor
VendorHasItem Returns true if the given item has an associated vendor
VendorHasLinkedItems Verifies if a vendor is linked to at least one item or is the default vendor for an item
VendorItemExists Returns true if a vendor item exist for the given filter; otherwise returns false
VendorItemExistsExcludingCurrentRecord Checks if a vendor item by a given Vendor ID and vendor item ID exists, excluding current record from the check



Checks if a vendor item by a given Vendor ID, retailID and unitID, excluding current record from the check



Checks if a vendor item by a given Vendor ID, retailID, unitID and vendorid, excluding current record from the check


All inventory service functions related to worksheets.

Name Description
DeleteInventoryWorksheet Deletes the given worksheet
DeleteInventoryWorksheetLineForPurchaseWorksheet Deletes the lines of the given inventory worksheet
GetEffectiveInventoryForItem Gets the effective inventory for the given item
GetInventoryWorksheetLineList Gets a list with worksheet lines matching the given criteria
GetInventoryWorksheetLineListSimple Gets a list with worksheet lines matching the given criteria
GetInventoryWorksheetList Gets the list with the inventory worksheets
GetInventoryWorksheetListByInventoryTemplate Gets the list with the inventory worksheets for the given inventory template ID
GetPurchaseWorksheet Gets the purchase worksheet with the given ID
GetPurchaseWorksheetLine Gets the inventory worksheet line with the given ID
GetWorksheetFromTemplateIDAndStoreID Gets the inventory worksheet for the given inventory template ID and store ID
InventoryWorksheetExistsForStore Returns true if an inventory worksheet exists for the given store; otherwise returns false
SaveInventoryWorksheet Saves the given worksheet
SaveInventoryWorksheetLine Saves the given inventory worksheet line

POS Operations

Some operations in the POS directly call the Inventory service. Here below is a list of all the operations and which functions they call.

Name Description
Inventory lookup Calls function ShowInventoryLookup
Item sale Calls functions GetReasonById, GetReasonCodesList if the item is being returned (see parameters on Return item and Return transaction operations)
Set reason code Calls function SetReasonCode in the Transaction service (which calls the Inventory service)

Development pack

To find this service in the development pack go to DevPack\Source\Core\Common_services

See also

Dialog service

Transaction service

Site service service