Login control list

A control that can except the login credentials for the POS by allowing the user to select a user name from a list. This control has functionality to switch from token login to user name and password login.

Namespace: LSOne.Services.LoginPanel.Controls

Assembly: LSOne.Services.LoginPanel


internal partial class LoginControlList : UserControl


Name Description
LoginControlList() Default constructor


Name Description
ErrorCode Gets and sets the error code for the login. Resets the user control to receive the user credentials again
ErrorDisplayType Gets and Sets the license error message that is displayed to the user i.e. expired, expiry date and etc.
ExpiryDate Gets and sets the expiry date of the license to be displayed in the login control (if it is expiring)
Login If token login is selected this property returns the password others it returns the user selected in the list. When setting it either sets the token value or selects the user in the list
Password Gets the password
PasswordControl Gives access to the password text box
ShowLicenseExpiresIn If true the license expires text is displayed in the control when applicable


Name Description
ClearPassword Clears the password value in the control
ClearUser Clears the selection of the user in the list
PollHardware If a Dallas key is configured in the hardware profile this event will retrieve messages from the Dallas key
PressLogin Can be used to manually fire off either the OnTokenLogin or OnLogin events
SetUsers Receives a list of users and loads it into the list on the control


Name Description
OnLogin Occurs when the control is configured to access user name and password
OnTokenLogin Occurs when the control is configured to accept a token login and the user has either scanned in a token or entered a value and pressed enter
PasswordGotFocus Occurs when the user enters the password text box
PasswordLostFocus Occurs when the user leaves the password text box


Note!!! This is a private control that can only be used within the Login panel service



See Source\POS\Services\LoginPanelService\LogOnPage.cs from DevPack for usage examples.


See also

Login panel service