Lesson 10 - Services

The LS One POS uses the services to do calculations. In this lesson you will learn more about the existing services and how to implement a service project.

  • Services implement the POS logic
  • All calculations and operations go through the services
  • Services cannot be removed
  • Services can be customized, modified or extended.

Examples of customization that are done in the services are changes to the Tax service to accommodate different laws in different countries or in the currency service getting exchange rates from web services

Some of the services are empty and intended for partner to implement their own customizations such as the EFT, Fiscal and Pharmacy services.

All services

Start by exploring the list of existing services. All open services are listed in this list: LS One POS Services overview

Have a look at the documentation for some services of your selection to see what information is available in the documentation.

Exercise - implement a service project


Modify the Price service so that all items cost 100. Tip: Use the GetPrice function

Learn How to implement a service project here.