List View

Grid component to display tabular data.

Namespace: LSOne.Controls

Assembly: LSOne.Controls.ListView


/// <summary>
/// LS Retail ListView control, based on Einhugur Grid engine technology
/// </summary>
//[ToolboxBitmap(typeof(ListView), "LSListView.bmp")]
public partial class ListView : UserControl


List view

List view

List view with touch support


Name Description
ListView() Default constructor.


Name Description
AutoSelectOnFocus Gets or sets the selected row when the control has focus
BuddyControl Gets or sets the associated control (might be a text box for editable cells in the list view)
CanScrollDown Gets a boolean value that represents the current vertical scroll bar position reached its maximum range or not
CanScrollUp Gets a boolean value that represents the current vertical scroll bar position reached its minimum range or not
Columns Gets the collection of all LSOne.Controls.Columns.Column defined for the current list view
ContentAreaSize Gets the size of the control's content area

Gets or sets the background color of the control's content (does not affect header and vertical or horizontal scrollbars)

Default value: white

DefaultCell Gets the base Cell that makes up the grid
DefaultHeaderStyle Gets the header style of the control

Gets or sets the size of the Row height

Default value: 18

DefaultStyle Gets the style applied to all Cell

Gets or sets if the background and text color are highlighted on focus

Default value: false


Gets or sets if the rows can be reordered by drag and drop

Default value: false


Gets or sets the background color of the even rows

Default value: white

FirstRowOnScreen Gets the id of the first visible row

Gets or sets the header font

Default value: none


Gets or sets the header row height

Default value: 22


Gets or sets if the horizontal scrollbar is displayed

Default value: false


Gets or sets the background color of the odd rows

Default value: white

RowCount Gets the total number of rows
RowCountOnScreen Gets the number of rows that are displayed (visible)

Gets or sets the row spacer color

Default value: light gray


Gets or sets if the row spacers are displayed

Default value: false

Rows Gets the list of rows

Gets or sets the index of the column used for secondary sorting.

Used only when the internal sort is not used or if custom behavior is needed otherwise the Column.SecondarySortColumn should be used

Default value: -1

Selection Gets the current selection (could be one or more rows/cells)

Gets or sets if multiple rows can be selected.

Available options:

  • FullRowSingleSelection - allows a single row to be selected
  • FullRowMultiSelection - allows multiple rows to be selected

Default value: FullRowSingleSelection


Gets or sets the visual style of the selected row

Available options:

  • Flat
  • Gradient
  • Gradient Rounded
  • Hidden
  • GradientRoundedColorMerge

Default value: Flat

listView selection styling
ShowRowOnScreen Sets the first selected row into view
SortColumn Gets the primary sort column
SortedAscending Gets the sort order
SortSetting Gets or sets the sort column and order as string

Gets or sets if the control supports touch scroll

Default value: false


Gets or sets if the focus indicator is displayed if nothing is selected

Default value: true


Gets or sets if vertical scroll bar is displayed

Default value: true

VerticalScrollbarValue Sets the position of the vertical scroll bar


Name Description
AddRow(LSOne.Controls.Rows.Row) Adds the given row to the control
ApplyRelativeColumnSize() Calculates an optimized size for each column based on column's RelativeSize setting such that the whole content of the control is filled
ApplyTheme(LSOne.Controls.Themes.IListViewTheme) Applies the given theme to the control

Calculates an optimized size for each column such that the whole content of the control is filled.

If the property FillRemainingWidth is set to true on one of the columns in the list, the width of that column is increased to fill the width of the list after the width of all columns has been set to match the content.

AutoSizeColumns(bool) Calculates an optimized size for each column such that the whole content of the control is filled
CalculateLayout() Determines the scroll bar maximum value as the number of rows
CellBounds(int, int) Returns the bounds of the cell specified by its column and row number
CellFromPoint(System.Drawing.Point, int, int, System.Drawing.Rectangle, bool) Returns the column and row number and the bounds of the cell that contains the given point
ClearRows() Clears all rows
CreateSortSetting(int, bool) Returns the sort string for the given column and sort order
FirstCellAction(bool) Executes the first cell Action handler registered
InsertRow(int, LSOne.Controls.Rows.Row) Inserts the given row at the given index
InvalidateContent() Invalidates control's content area
MovePageDown() Scrolls one page down
MovePageDown(bool) Scrolls one page down and selects first visible row
MovePageUp() Scrolls one page up
MovePageUp(bool) Scrolls one page up and selects first visible row
MoveRowDown(int) Scrolls one row down and selects it
MoveRowUp(int) Scrolls one row up and selects it
MoveSelectionDown() Selects the next row
MoveSelectionUp() Selects the previous row
NextCellAction(bool) Executes the next cell Action handler registered
RemoveRow(int) Removed the row at given index
Row(int) Gets the row at given index
Row(uint) Gets the row at given index
RowIsOnScreen(int) Returns true if the row at the given index is displayed
ScrollOneDown() Scrolls one row down
ScrollOneUp() Scrolls one row up
ScrollPageDown() Scrolls one page down
ScrollPageUp() Scrolls one page up
ScrollRowIntoView(int) Displays the page containing the row with the given index
SelectAll() Selects all rows
SetColumnCollection(LSOne.Controls.Columns.ColumnCollection) Configures the control with the given collection of columns
SetSortColumn(int, bool) Sets the sort column to the column at the given index and if the sorting should be ascending
SetSortColumn(LSOne.Controls.Columns.Column, bool) Sets the sort column to the given column and if sorting should be ascending
Sort() Sorts the control's rows based on the configured sort column or sorts after the first column if no sorting is set
Sort(LSOne.Controls.Columns.Column, bool) Sorts by the given column
SwapRows(int, int) Changes the selected row


Name Description
CellAction Occurs when an action happens in the cell (setting text, setting checkbox state, etc)
CellActionGotFocus Occurs when the cell requiring action gets focus
CellDropDown Occurs when a Drop Down Cell executes its action
HeaderClicked Occurs when the header is clicked
HorizontalScrollValueChanged Occurs when the horizontal scroll bar value changes
RowClick Occurs on row click
RowCollapsed Occurs when a row is collapsed
RowDoubleClick Occurs when a row is double clicked
RowExpanded Occurs when a row is expanded
RowReorder Occurs when a row is reorderes
SelectionChanged Occurs when the row selection changes
VerticalScrollValueChanged Occurs when the vertical scroll bar value changes


The control supports multiple types of cells, as long as they derive from Cell class. Already available are the following :

While cells can be added to a simple Row, there are a couple of specialized types of rows:




See source code from DevPack for usage examples:

  • without touch support
    • Source\SM\Plugins\RetailItems\View\ItemsView.cs
  • with touch support
    • Source\Core\Common_services\CustomerOrderService\Dialogs\CustomerOrderAction.cs
    • Source\POS\Services\DimensionService\Dialogs\DimensionDialog.cs


See also